Mail-Order Service


Ship Tools


Prepare all knives or shears for shipping. Wrap all knife blades with paper towel and tape to prevent any damage to blades or handles. Wrap each individual shear with bubble wrap. Complete the mail in order form identifying all items being sent for sharpening. Be sure to identify specific usage of each tool. Place all items in a padded envelope or card board box with sufficient packing that when shaken, vigorously, the items do not move. Mail the items to our address
Prairie Edge Service
55 Rockbluff Close NW
Calgary, AB, T3G 5A9

Sharpen Tools


When your items are received, we will unpack, inspect and notify you with a sharpening assessment with invoice. If you agree with the proposed work you can notify and pay the invoice amount and the items will be sharpened. We may have other questions prior to sharpening regarding the use or clarification of the type of sharpening required. Upon completion, we will package the items and notify you when they items have shipped.

Receive Tools


When the items arrive after sharpening. Carefully unpack all items and be mindful of the very sharp edges. Try your tools and let us know if these new sharper edges meet your requirements.